WHIN 2021 Spring Ag Alliance Summit

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

To kickoff the 2021 growing season with our Ag Alliance members, WHIN held its virtual Spring 2021 Ag Alliance Summit. The 50+ attendees hailed from every county located in the WHIN region and represented many stakeholder groups: Ag Alliance Member, Farmer, Technology Partner, Purdue Partner, Ivy Tech Partner, Board Member, and Region Member.

During the virtual summit we first heard from Ag Alliance member, Tom McKinney, who chatted about what WHIN has done for his operation and what WHIN can do for yours. We then heard an update from each of our current tech partners, Rogo, IntelinAir, and Solinftec. We also heard a presentation from Telesense and the exciting announcement of onboarding them as a new technology partner for our Alliance members.

VP of Engineering, Jack Stucky, and VP of Strategic Partnerships, Greg Ottinger, also gave brief overviews of 2 pilot studies being executed with potential technology partners. Partners at Purdue and Ivy Tech then gave updates on their activities pertaining to Agriculture. Including a presentation by a Purdue professor using the WHIN data collected from weather stations to fuel the curriculum for her EAPS course. Lastly, Pat Corey gave an update on WHIN's broadband initiative.

Thank you again to all that attended the meeting; WHIN has some exciting things coming in 2021 and we appreciate all of the support and engagement. We look forward to seeing you all again in August for the next Ag Alliance Summit.

Summit Recording